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Sunoptic Surgical’s Cerelux® Replacement Modules include Xenon Short Arc Lamps and have the best value possible with speed of service in the specialty imaging lighting industry
Sunoptic Surgical’s focus in the specialty lighting industry is on a family of ceramic xenon short arc lamps, trademarked CeraLux®. These products are more rugged, offer better color rendition and eliminate environmental concerns associated with other lighting techniques. Quality is not compromised for cost in our design; we have engineered our costs out of the company from the beginning. This narrow focus, and our size, enable us to remain true to our aim of best value and speed of service in the imaging lighting industry.
ResourcesReplacement Luxtec Lamp Drawer 9300
- Luxtec 9300 Series Lamp Drawer – 300w
SSX1402 – Replacement Luxtec Lamp Drawer 9175
- Luxtec 9175 Series Lamp Drawer – 175w
SSX1752 replacement Module for Linvatec 300w
- SSX1752; (Interface Board not included, reuse existing board)
SSX1739 Replacement Module for Luxtec 9300XSP
- LuxteL Lamp Module CL1739 for Luxtec 9300XSP Headlight illuminator.
SSX1585 Replacement Module for Leica M720F60
- CeraLux® 1585 Module 400W *
SSX1446 Module for Applied FiberOptics’ Sunbeam
- CL1446 Module for Applied FiberOptics’ Sunbeam; includes IR filter, timer and CL1579 lamp
- A 300 Watt Replacement Module
SSX1681 – Replacement Module for Pro-Xenon Welch Allyn 90209 and Moeller-Wedel FS2-23
- CL1681 Welch-Allyn part number 90209 and for Moeller-Wedel FS2-23
SSX1428 – module for BFW with IR filter
- LuxteL Standard Lamp Module w/ 300w Lamp & Timer with heat filter.
- This CeraLux® 300BFmodule is the headlight replacement for BFW. The CeraLux® 300BF Module contains a 1”, 300-watt lamp with a parabolic reflector, timer and an IR filter.
SSX1407 Replacement Module for Smith & Nephew
- Smith and Nephew Lamp w/Lamp & Timer
SSX1710 Replacement Module for Smith & Nephew 500XL (timer board not included, end user to re-use existing board)
- This CeraLux® 300BFmodule is the endoscopy OEM’s product of choice for market leading medical equipment Smith & Nephew. The CeraLux® 300BF Module contains a 1”, 300-watt lamp with a parabolic reflector. The timer board is proprietary and designed by Smith & Nephew, the module we supply requires the removal of the old timer and mounting utilizing the two screws. This module will not re-set the system timer due to OEM proprietary design.
- Richard Wolf 125w Lamp & Module
SSX1287 Replacement Module for Stryker X6000
- Stryker 6000 Lamp Module w/ 300w Lamp
SSX1426 Luxtel 300w Module with timer
- LuxteL Standard Lamp Module w/ 300w Xenon Lamp & Timer
- For use in:
- Leica OH5, OH4, OH3, OHS1, MS3, MS2, MS1, F40; M525F20
- Linvatec/ConMed 8430, 8180, 8170
- Zeiss Superlux 300, Superlux 301 (with timer)
- Steris 3010
SSX1571 – Replacement Lamp Assembly
- Luxtel’s assembly for Stryker 7000 containing a CL1492 lamp
- Please note end user must re-use OEM housing.
SSX1567 – Replacement Lamp Assembly
- For the Stryker X8000 containing a CL1495
- Please note end user must re-use OEM housing.
SSX1429 Luxtel 175BF Lamp & Timer
- OEM Replacement Modules – w/175s Lamp & Timer (as shown)
SSX1336 Replacement for Smith & Nephew part # 660-0024, Y1616
- Smith & Nephew 300 watt without timer
- The CeraLux® 300BFmodule is the endoscopy OEM’s product of choice for market leading medical equipment Smith & Nephew. The CeraLux® 300BF Module contains a 1”, 300 watt lamp with a parabolic reflector.
- LuxteL Standard Lamp Module w/175w Lamp
- LuxteL Standard Lamp Module w/175w Lamp
- Xenon Replacement Module