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SSL-9500 Portable LED Headlight

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Maximize your mobility in the OR when you use the SSL-9500 LED Headlight System. This portable, lightweight medical device generates 70,000 lux of white light in a crisp, clean and uniform spot. No longer will you be distracted by unsightly brown, yellow or blue halos or hot centers and dark edges. Experience all the comforts of a traditional surgical headlight but with greater mobility around the surgical table.


This advanced device offers unparalleled freedom of movement without compromising on the brilliance of illumination. Emitting a warm, uniformly distributed light with sharp, well-defined edges, the SSL-9500 ensures optimal visibility throughout procedures. Achieve maximum illumination of the procedure area while preventing any tissue discoloration, thereby enhancing precision and accuracy. Its lightweight, ergonomic design, coupled with a 3+ hour battery life, makes the SSL-9500 ideal for prolonged procedures. Tailor your experience further by choosing from a range of styles and accessories, allowing you to fine-tune the SSL-9500 system to meet your specific needs. Illuminate your path to precision with the Sunoptic Surgical SSL-9500 LED headlight.


  • 10w specialized LED offers the BRIGHTEST illumination available
  • Light Intensity: 70,000 Lux @ 16″/40cm
  • Module with variable spot size: 20mm-110mm @ 16″/40cm
  • Lightweight battery and clip on holster provide over 3 hours of continuous light at maximum intensity
  • Variety of headband options available for ultimate comfort
  • Audible low battery warning


  • 10w LED Producing Bright, White Light
  • Color temperature: 4,500°K
  • Typical LED life: >50,000 hours
  • Lightweight Headband with Rear Cranial Support for added comfort
  • Variable Module Spot 20mm-110mm @ 16″ / 40cm
  • Variable Intensity Control: 0 – 70,000 Lux at 16”/ 40cm working distance
  • Battery Life – 3+ and 6+ hour batteries available
  • Battery Charger Accepts 100-240V AC, 50/60 Hz input for worldwide operation
  • Battery Recharge Time – 3.5 hrs
  • Warranty Three (3) Years on LED Headlight and One (1) Year on Battery


  • European Class I, Active device per Annex IX, rule 1
  • FDA Class I, Device Listing 125713
  • Complies with Essential Requirements Matrix of MDD 93/42/EEC, amended by 2007/47/CE

System Includes

  • LED Headlight with RCS Headband
  • Battery Pack with 2 Rechargeable Batteries
  • Single or Dual Bay Charger
  • Padded Carrying Bag
  • Joystick for positioning Module


  • SSL-9500 LED Headlight System, Battery Powered, RCS headband
  • SSL-9500-DB LED Headlight System with dual bay charger
  • SSL-9500-SBDB LED Headlight System with dual bay charger and Sport Band
  • SSL-9500-SB LED Headlight System with Sport Band
  • SSL-9500-MOD Upgrade module for converting LED9000/9000-II to 9500
  • SSL-9500-KIT Upgrade kit/module for converting LED 8000, LED 8500 or LED 8500-II into a 9500 system
  • SSL-9500-B-K – LED Headlight System with BLUE RCS headband, two batteries, single bay charger and carrying bag


  • SSL-3736 Replacement single bay battery charger
  • SSL-3736-2 Dual bay charger accessory
  • SSL-2054BE Replacement encrypted battery for LED 9500
  • SSL-2054BE-DBL Extended Life Battery (6+ hours)
  • SSL-2054BE-DBL-2 Package of 2 Extended Life Batteries

Maximize Your Mobility with a Lightweight LED Headlight

Sunoptic Surgical’s SSL 9500 LED Portable Headlight makes it easy for surgeons to operate in the operating room by providing enhanced mobility as well as plenty of bright, white light. The design of the SSL 9500 allows operators to move around easily, even with an LED headlight on their heads. This improves a surgeon’s ability to complete certain procedures at the operating table. In addition, the SSL 9500 is a bright LED headlight that generates more than enough light to make it easier for surgeons to see what they are doing. This portable surgical headlight emits clean, white light, which is much easier for surgeons to work with than surgical headlights that beam distracting brown, yellow, or blue light, or even light circles with dark edges.

If you are a surgeon, or even a doctor or dentist, you will notice the benefits of the SSL 9500 LED Portable Headlight. This medical headlamp provides greater mobility and optimal visibility. Illuminate your path to precision with the Sunoptic Surgical SSL 9500 LED headlight. Schedule your free trial today!

About Sunoptic Surgical

Sunoptic Surgical operates under the Sunoptic Technologies corporate brand, providing surgical headlights, LED headlamps, surgical cameras, and many more surgical lighting systems. Sunoptic Surgical is proud to employ a team of hard-working engineers, product developers, and researchers who have achieved great success in the surgical lighting system industry.

You can count on Sunoptic Surgical as your source for innovative medical equipment that truly makes a difference in the operating room. Our manufacturing company is proud to be a part of the Jacksonville, FL community and continuing to develop medical equipment that can be used by doctors and surgeons all over the world. Contact us today to request a free trial on our surgical products and see the difference our bright light sources can make for you in the operating room.